Take The Pledge

Take The Pledge

West Monroe Driving Academy

How Many More?

How Many More Grandparents, Sons and Daughters, Mothers and Fathers,  Aunts and Uncles?

How Many More Night Knocks on The Door?
How Many More Families Will Change Forever?

Join the Movement: Take the WMDA Safe Driver Pledge Today!

At West Monroe Driving Academy, we are committed to delivering exceptional driver's education that prepares our students for the realities of the road. However, to truly make a difference, we need the support of our entire community.

Every year, tens of thousands of lives are lost in the United States due to distracted driving, poor decision-making, and driving under the influence.

Here's how you can help:

  1. Take the WMDA Safe Driver Pledge: Commit to improving your driving habits. Remember, putting your phone on "Do Not Disturb" is a simple step that can save lives. No text or call is worth risking a life. When you take your eyes off the road to check a message at 55 MPH, you're driving the length of a football field without seeing where you're going.
  2. Avoid Drinking and Driving: In 2021, 40% of all accidents in Louisiana involved alcohol. Alcohol impairs judgment and senses, and even small amounts can lead to dangerous driving. Make a pledge never to drink and drive. The decision to drive under the influence can have tragic consequences for yourself and others.
  3. Lead by Example: Teen drivers often mirror the behaviors they see. By demonstrating safe driving practices, we can set a positive example for the younger generation. Your commitment to safe driving can inspire others and help reduce traffic-related fatalities.

Here’s what you can do next:

  • Take the Pledge: It only takes a minute to make a commitment to safer driving.
  • Download the Parent-Teen Safe Driver Agreement: Start a conversation with your teen about the importance of safe driving and make sure they understand the expectations and responsibilities.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's work together to create safer roads and reduce these senseless tragedies. Your commitment to safe driving can save lives and set a powerful example for others.



Let’s change the statistics!

Let’s set an example!

I pledge to put my phone on DO NOT DISTURB while driving. To not text while driving, to give my full attention to driving and keeping the roads safe. I pledge not to let my passengers’ phones distract me, and if they are, to ask them to put them away.


I pledge not to drink and drive. I pledge to call my parents, or a driving service, if I have been drinking. I pledge to speak up if I see someone who has been drinking getting behind the wheel. I pledge not to get in the vehicle with someone who has been drinking. I pledge not to drink under the influence of any substances and to speak up if I see someone getting behind the wheel who has.



The counter on this page indicates that you have read and taken the WMDA Pledge.

Take the Pledge

Parent-Teen Driving Agreement

Click the link below to download the Parent-Teen Driving Agreement or come by our office to get a copy. Start a conversation today with your teen!

Parent-Teen Driving Agreement

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